04 Series
General information
The 04 Series toxic single gas monitor is designed to operate for many years with field replaceable sensors and filters. The HCN, NO2, PH3, and SO2 versions can be operated continuously for at least 3,000 hours on (2) AAA size alkaline batteries. The 04 models have 2 preset alarms that are user adjustable. Each version is also equipped with visual, audible, and vibration alarms as standard. The replacement sensors are inexpensive, easily field replaceable, and are interchangeable with other popular RKI instruments like the GX-3R, GX-3R Pro, and GasWatch 3. Sensors have a life expectancy of over 3 years and backed by a 3 year warranty. Each 04 Series monitor is impact, dust, and water resistant with an IP-67 rating. 04 Series instruments are safe for use in hazardous locations, classified as intrinsically safe ATEX/IECEx and by QPS to U.S. and Canadian standards for Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, and D atmospheres.

04 Series Calibration Guide
Performing a Calibration (GAS CAL)
- Bump test the instrument before each day’s use with a known concentration of the targetgas. A bump test can be done in User Mode’s BUMP item or by applying gas inMeasuring Mode. The instrument does not need to be calibrated unless it does not pass theUser Mode bump test or does not respond appropriately, as defined by the user, inMeasuring Mode.
- To fully calibrate the sensor, you must do a fresh air adjustment (AIR CAL) and a spanadjustment (A-CAL or E-CAL)
- The SC-04 can be calibrated using either A-CAL or E-CAL depending on the setting ofthe E-CAL User Mode item.A-CAL (appears if E-CAL User Mode item is set to OFF)
- Apply gas for a period oftime, then press and release POWER MODE to perform the adjustment.E-CAL (appears if E-CAL User Mode item is set to something besides OFF)
- As soon asgas is applied and the reading reaches 10% of the auto calibration value, the instrumentcounts down from the number of seconds specified in the E-CAL User Mode item andautomatically performs the adjustment.
Sensor Type | Calibration Gas Value | Warning Alarm | Low Alarm | High Alarm | TWA Alarm | STEL Alarm | Part Number |
H2S - Hydrogen Sulfide | 25ppm Hydrogen Sulfide | 5ppm | 30ppm | 100ppm | 1ppm | 5ppm | ESR-A13i-H2S |
CO - Carbon Monoxide | 50ppm Carbon Monoxide | 25ppm | 50ppm | 1200ppm | 25ppm | 200ppm | ESR-A13P-CO |
O2 - Oxygen | 12% Oxygen | 19.5% | 18.0% | 23.5% | N/A | N/A | ESR-X13P-OXY |
NH3 - Ammonia | 25ppm Ammonia | 25ppm | 35ppm | 300ppm | 25ppm | 35ppm | ESR-B134-NH3 |
Cl2 - Chlorine | 5ppm Chlorine | 1ppm | 2ppm | 10ppm | 0.5ppm | 1ppm | ESR-B136-CL2 |
HCN - Hydrogen Cyanide | 10ppm Hydrogen Cyanide | 5ppm | 10ppm | 30ppm | 4.7ppm | 10ppm | ESR-A13D-HCN |
PH3 - Phosphine | 0.5ppm Phosphine | 0.3ppm | 0.6ppm | 1ppm | 0.3ppm | 1ppm | ESR-A13D-PH3 |
NO2 - Nitrogen Dioxide | 10ppm Nitrogen Dioxide | 2ppm | 4ppm | 20ppm | 0.5ppm | 1ppm | ESR-A13D-NO2 |
SO2 - Sulfur Dioxide | 5ppm Sulfur Dioxide | 2ppm | 5ppm | 100ppm | 2ppm | 5ppm | ESR-A13D-SO2 |