GasAlertMicroClip XT
This product is now obsolete and has been replaced by the Honeywell GasAlertMicroClip XL.
The slim and compact GasAlertMicroClip XT provides affordable protection from atmospheric hazards.
With the addition of IntelliFlash, this multi-gas detector offers continuous visual confirmation of detector operation and compliance.
Simple one-button operation offers ultimate ease of use and significantly reduces time spent training the user.
The GasAlertMicroClip XT is fully compatible with BW's MicroDock II automatic test and calibration system.
Standard features of BW products:
- Continuous LCD shows real-time gas concentrations
- Compact and lightweight design makes it comfortable to wear
- Water-resistant
- Simple automatic calibration procedure; compatible with BW MicroDock II automatic test and calibration station
- Full function self-test of sensor, battery status, circuit integrity and audible/visual alarms on start up
- Bright wide-angled visual alarm bars
- Built-in concussion-proof boot
- Conveniently manage your fleet using Fleet Manager II
Additonal GasAlertMicroClip XT Features:
- IntelliFlash verifies operation and compliance to both the user and supervisor
- Tamper-proof, one button operation
- Equipped with internal vibrating alarm for high noise areas
- Powered by a lithium polymer battery
- Multi-language support in English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese

How to Calibrate the BW Technologies GasAlertMicroClip XT
- Turn the GasAlert MicroClip XL on in normal reading mode. Do this by pressing the only button, located top right of the screen.
- Once the GasAlert MicroClip XL is in normal reading mode, you need to send it into calibration mode. Do this by pressing and holding the power button down until it turns off. KEEP HOLDING THE POWER BUTTON.
- Eventually, the screen will come up saying hold to calibrate. Hold the button until the screen begins the zeroing process. Now is a good time to set the monitor down, and grab your calibration gas, regulator, and calibration adapter.
- Open the valve on your regulator. This is a very important step so you do not ruin your calibration gas cylinder. Now screw it in to your calibration gas cylinder. Close the regulator once you hear gas spewing out of it. This is the signal to know your regulator is good to close. Continue screwing in the regulator until it stops. Do not overturn it.
- Attach the tubing to the hose barb on your regulator. Make sure the tubing is also connected to your calibration adapter.
- Wait for the screen to come up asking for you to apply calibration gas. Once this screen comes up, clip the calibration adapter on to your gas detector. Once it is clipped on, turn on your gas.
- Make sure your calibration gas values on the screen match what is on your calibration gas cylinder!
- Once the calibration procedure is completed, turn your gas off and remove the calibration adapter from the GasAlert MicroClip XL. The screen will go back to normal reading mode within a few seconds.
- Congratulations! You have officially calibrated your BW Technologies GasAlert MicroClip XL gas monitor! Make sure to record these readings in your calibration log!
Standard Sensor Settings for the BW Technologies GasAlertMicroClip XT
Sensor Type | Calibration Gas Value | Low Alarm | High Alarm | TWA Alarm | STEL Alarm | Part Number |
H2S - Hydrogen Sulfide | 25ppm | 10ppm | 15ppm | 10ppm | 15ppm | SR-H-MC |
CO - Carbon Monoxide | 100ppm | 35ppm | 200ppm | 35ppm | 50ppm | SR-M-MC |
LEL - Methane Curve | 50% LEL | 10% LEL | 20% LEL | N/A | N/A | SR-W-MP75C |
O2 - Oxygen | 18% VOL | 19.5% VOL | 23% VOL | N/A | N/A | O2-A2 |